Cigar aficionados and enthusiasts are always on the lookout for unique and memorable places to enjoy their favorite cigars. While traditional cigar lounges offer a cozy atmosphere, there’s a growing trend in the world of cigars – mobile cigar lounges. These rolling havens of relaxation allow cigar lovers to experience their passion in various locations, making every smoking session an adventure. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 fantastic mobile cigar lounges in the United States, including some well-known ones like Off Da Hook Cigar Co & Mobile Lounge and SC Cigars Mobile Lounge, as well as some hidden gems like Silver Smoke Cigars, Cigar-Park Mobile Cigar Lounge, and The Mobile Cigar Lounge in Hopatcong, NJ.
Mobile Cigar Lounges in the US
Off Da Hook Cigar Co & Mobile Lounge (Tampa, FL): Located in the vibrant city of Atlanta, Off Da Hook Cigar Co & Mobile Lounge offers a unique cigar experience on wheels. Their luxury mobile lounge features comfortable seating, a top-notch selection of cigars, and a well-stocked bar. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer, this mobile lounge has something for everyone.
SC Cigars Mobile Lounge (West Columbia, SC): SC Cigars Mobile Lounge is a beloved destination for cigar enthusiasts in South Carolina. This mobile lounge provides an upscale environment for cigar lovers, complete with plush seating, a diverse cigar collection, and knowledgeable staff. It’s the perfect place to unwind and savor a fine cigar.
Silver Smoke Cigars (High Point, NC): Silver Smoke Cigars is a unique mobile cigar lounge that brings the cigar experience North Carolina. With a well-curated selection of premium cigars, comfortable seating, and a cozy ambiance, this mobile lounge is a must-visit for anyone in High Point looking for a relaxing cigar experience.
Cigar-Park Mobile Cigar Lounge (New York, NY): In the heart of the Big Apple, Cigar-Park Mobile Cigar Lounge offers an oasis for cigar enthusiasts. Whether you’re exploring Central Park or enjoying the city skyline, this mobile lounge allows you to enjoy your cigar in style. It’s a great way to take in the sights and sounds of New York while indulging in your passion.
The Mobile Cigar Lounge (Hopatcong, NJ): Nestled in Hopatcong, NJ, The Mobile Cigar Lounge is a hidden gem in the world of mobile cigar lounges. This cozy and intimate mobile lounge offers a welcoming atmosphere, friendly staff, and a well-curated selection of cigars. It’s the perfect spot to relax with friends or make new ones who share your love for cigars.
The Smoking Aces Mobile Cigar Lounge (Longview, TX): Transporting you to a simpler time as the world’s problems fade away with the help of a cocktail and a good cigar, The Smoking Aces Mobile Cigar Lounge delivers luxury right to your doorstep in a 1974 Airstream Land Yacht.
Badd Ash Mobile Cigar Lounge (Las Vegas, NV): This premier mobile cigar retailer and lounge offers a unique cigar experience in a 32-foot luxury trailer, accommodating up to 10 smokers. They also provide a rentable smoking pavilion with a stage, lights, and sound system, making it a hit for weddings and special events in Las Vegas.
Rollin’ Smoke Cigars (St. Louis, MO): Owned and operated by a team of firefighters, Rollin’ Smoke is the Midwest’s unique mobile humidor and lounge. This lounge maintains a 60 cubic foot humidification system to ensure cigars are at their optimum humidity. Guests can enjoy WiFi, HD TV with sporting events, and comfort amenities like portable fire pits and propane heaters. It’s a complete cigar shop experience on wheels.
Fuego Mobile Cigar Lounge (Clearwater, FL): Serving the Tampa Bay area, including Clearwater, Fuego Mobile Cigar Lounge is known for its high-end, craft cigars and artisan coffee, all served from a custom-built trailer reminiscent of a 1960’s vintage camper. This mobile lounge provides a full-scale humidor and coffee bar, ensuring a premium experience for weddings and special events.
Smokeasy Mobile Cigar Lounge (Louisville, KY): Smokeasy Mobile Cigar Lounge, inspired by the historic speakeasies, is a mobile bar on wheels that brings the lounge to your event. With a lavish interior, premium cigars, a full-service bar, and custom humidors, it’s designed for weddings, private parties, and other special gatherings. The Smokeasy Experience offers eight complimentary cigars, a custom cigar humidor, and the services of 1 or 2 attendants to ensure a luxurious atmosphere.
Mobile cigar lounges are a fantastic way to enjoy your favorite cigars in different settings and locations across the United States. Whether you’re in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Hopatcong, or any other city, these rolling cigar havens offer a unique and memorable experience for cigar enthusiasts. So, the next time you’re looking for an unforgettable smoke, consider visiting one of these 10 mobile cigar lounges and elevate your cigar experience to new heights. If you find yourself enjoying a stogie from one of these mobile lounges, be sure to Check In on the Boxpressd Cigar App.