Indulge in a cigar experience that’s as charismatic as its name suggests with Sagrado Carismatico. This exceptional cigar line from Sagrado Cigars promises a taste journey that’s as rich in flavor as it is in character. With its meticulously crafted build and a flavor profile that dances on the palate, Sagrado Carismatico is a choice selection for those seeking a medium-bodied smoke with a tale of flavors to tell.
Sagrado Carismatico’s Taste and Aroma
From the moment you light a Sagrado Carismatico, you’re greeted with a delicate aroma of sweet, damp cocoa that sets the stage for the flavors to come. The initial draw reveals a light, smooth, and airy smoke, unveiling subtle flavors of mild coffee, sweet vanilla, and a gentle peppery sensation that lingers on the finish. As you delve deeper into the smoke, a shift occurs, with the cigar evolving into a medium-bodied delight. It leaves a soft, sweet floral profile with a luscious oil slickness on the palate, demonstrating a well-rounded taste journey from start to finish.
Build and Composition
The Sagrado Carismatico is an exquisite 6 x 52 stick adorned with a lustrous, dark chocolate wrapper that’s thick, toothy, and flawlessly packed. The construction showcases a triple cap, ensuring a flawless draw that enhances the smoking experience. The Sagrado Carismatico is offered in a Toro size, available in various quantities, from singles to a box of 20, allowing aficionados to choose according to their preference.
Reception of the Sagrado Carismatico
The allure of Sagrado Carismatico has caught the attention of cigar enthusiasts, with some appreciating its fuller-bodied profile and notes of pepper, espresso, and cocoa originating from the Dominican Republic. The notes of cracked white pepper, espresso, cocoa, and cedar in its Maduro Toro variant are also well-received, highlighting the rich diversity in flavor that Sagrado Carismatico brings to the table.
With its captivating taste profile and meticulously crafted build, Sagrado Carismatico stands as a testament to the art of fine cigar-making. It invites aficionados to explore a unique narrative in each draw, making the Sagrado Carismatico not just a cigar, but an experience worth savoring.