Columbia, SC – April 12, 2023 – Boxpressd Cigar App, the premier destination for cigar enthusiasts, announces the release of its latest feature, Groups. This innovative feature allows users to connect with other cigar lovers from around the world, creating a global community of like-minded individuals.
Boxpressd Cigar App’s Groups function is modeled after Facebook’s group feature, allowing users to join or create groups based on a particular topic or interest. Once a user joins a group, they can view and participate in discussions, share photos and videos, and connect with other members of the group.
The Groups feature of the Boxpressd Cigar App is a valuable tool for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. It allows users to connect with others who share their love of cigars, no matter where they live. The feature’s practical benefits also allow users to stay informed of the latest cigar-related news and events, making it easier to plan and organize cigar-related events, such as herfs or meetups.
“Boxpressd Cigar App is dedicated to providing cigar enthusiasts with the best possible experience,” said Boxpressd Co-Founder, Kirtlan Lewis. “With the addition of the Groups feature, we’re excited to offer our users an even greater sense of community and connection, no matter where they are in the world.”
The Groups feature also offers a wealth of knowledge and experience to be shared, as Boxpressd Cigar App is used by cigar enthusiasts from all over the world. By joining a group, users can ask questions, share insights, and learn from others, making it especially valuable for new cigar smokers who are looking for guidance and advice.
Boxpressd Cigar App’s Groups feature is easy to use. Users simply need to search for groups based on their interests, and once their request is approved, they can start participating in discussions and sharing content.
The Boxpressd Cigar App Groups feature is available within the Boxpressd Cigar App at Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with fellow cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Trevor Boyer
Boxpressd Cigar App
1-80-BUY-CIGAR (289-24427)