The Boxpressd Cigar App, a popular cigar-related mobile application, has recently been removed from the Google Play Store. This news came as a surprise to many users who had come to rely on the app for cigar reviews, news, and event information. This decision by Google Play Store to remove the app has raised many concerns and questions among the cigar community.
What is Boxpressd Cigar App and Why Was it Removed from Google Play Store?
The Boxpressd Cigar App is a mobile application that provides cigar enthusiasts with a platform to discover new cigars, read cigar reviews, and stay up-to-date on cigar-related news and events. The app also allows users to find nearby cigar shops and lounges, and to rate and review cigars they had tried.
The reason for the app’s removal from the Google Play Store is due to Google’s policies on tobacco and e-cigarettes, which prohibit the promotion of tobacco products or related paraphernalia. Although the app did not promote tobacco sales or products, it did offer information and resources related to cigars, which was seen as a violation of Google’s policies.
Boxpressd Cigar App is Still Available via Progressive Web App (PWA)
Despite the app’s removal from the Google Play Store, cigar enthusiasts can still access the Boxpressd Cigar App via the Progressive Web App (PWA) version available at This version of the app allows users to access all of the features and functionalities of the original app, including cigar reviews, ratings, and event information, without the need to download the app from the Google Play Store.
The Virtual Lounge App by Boxpressd is Still Available on Google Play Store
Although the Boxpressd Cigar App is no longer available on the Google Play Store, the Virtual Lounge App by Boxpressd is still available for download. The Virtual Lounge is a companion app that provides a virtual space for cigar enthusiasts to connect and interact with each other. The app offers features such as live chat rooms, virtual events, and a library of cigar-related content.
What Does the Removal of Boxpressd Cigar App from Google Play Store Mean for Cigar Enthusiasts?
The removal of the Boxpressd Cigar App from the Google Play Store is a disappointing blow for cigar enthusiasts who relied on the app for their cigar-related needs. This decision by Google Play Store, however, is not unique, as other mobile app stores have also removed cigar-related apps due to similar policies.
Although the app is no longer available for download from the Google Play Store, cigar enthusiasts can still access the app via the PWA version. This version of the app provides users with the same features and functionalities as the original app, without the need for a download from the Google Play Store.
Additionally, the Virtual Lounge App by Boxpressd remains available on the Google Play Store and provides a virtual space for cigar enthusiasts to connect and interact with each other. The app offers a range of features to enhance the cigar experience, and can still be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
The removal of the Boxpressd Cigar App from the Google Play Store is a disappointment for cigar enthusiasts who relied on the app for their cigar-related needs. Despite this setback, the app is still available via the PWA version and the Virtual Lounge App by Boxpressd is still available for download on the Google Play Store.