Are you looking for a great cigar shop in Columbia, South Carolina? Look no further than The Cigar Militia. Located at 1410 Colonial Life Blvd W, Columbia, SC 29210, the Cigar Militia is one of the most highly sought-after cigar shops in the area.
The Cigar Militia offers a wide selection of cigars from some of the world’s best brands. Whether you’re looking for a mild smoke or something more robust and full-bodied, they have something to suit your tastes. In addition to their selection of cigars, they also offer a variety of accessories such as humidors and lighters.
In addition to their physical store, the Cigar Militia also has an active presence on social media. Their Facebook page is regularly updated with new products and special offers. They also host events such as the extremely popular Cigars & Scriptures.
Finding a great cigar lounge doesn’t have to be difficult. With the Boxpressd Cigar App, you can easily find cigar lounges in any city around the world. The app features detailed information about each venue including hours of operation, menus and reviews from other users. You can even order cigars directly through the app!
If you’re ever in Columbia, South Carolina make sure to check out the Cigar Militia for all your premium cigar needs!