Cigar enthusiasts know the value of staying informed about upcoming cigar-related events. Whether it’s a local cigar shop’s weekly cigar night, a major cigar festival, or an industry trade show, being in the know about these events can enhance your enjoyment of cigars and the cigar lifestyle. The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature connects cigar aficionados with a vast array of events taking place across the globe.
How It Works
The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature is easy to use. App users can access the feature by selecting the “Upcoming Events” tab in the main menu. This brings up a list of events in chronological order, allowing users to quickly scan upcoming events in their area or around the world.
By tapping on an event, users can access additional details such as the event date and time, location, description, link to the official website, ticket information, and event organizer. The app also allows users to share event details with friends via the “Share” feature and save events for later via the “Save” feature.
Why Use It
The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature is a valuable resource for cigar enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Here are some reasons why:
- Stay Informed – With so many cigar-related events happening across the globe, it can be challenging to keep track of them all. The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature provides a comprehensive and up-to-date list of events, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to enjoy a cigar event.
- Discover New Events – Boxpressd Cigar App users can discover new events they might not have otherwise known about. By simply scrolling through the list of upcoming events, users may find an event in a new location or with a new theme they find intriguing.
- Support Local Cigar Shops and Lounges – Local cigar shops and lounges are often the heart of the cigar community. The Events feature allows these businesses to easily promote their events to a wider audience, bringing more attention to their establishments and fostering a sense of community among local cigar enthusiasts.
- Connect With Other Cigar Enthusiasts – Attending cigar-related events is not only about enjoying cigars, but also about connecting with like-minded individuals. The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature provides a way for cigar enthusiasts to find and connect with other enthusiasts attending the same events.
- Plan Your Schedule – With the Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature, users can plan their cigar event calendar in advance, ensuring they never miss an event they are interested in attending. The ability to save events for later also allows users to easily reference events they plan to attend.
Value for Boxpressd Users
The Boxpressd Cigar App‘s Events feature is a valuable resource for both casual cigar enthusiasts and industry professionals. Here are some specific ways Boxpressd users can benefit from the Events feature:
- Business Promotion – Business owners and managers can use the Events feature to promote their events to a wider audience, increasing attendance and engagement with their business.
- Industry Networking – The Events feature allows industry professionals to connect with one another and attend industry-specific events, furthering their professional development and fostering new business relationships.
- User Engagement – The Events feature provides another way for Boxpressd users to engage with the app and the broader cigar community, building a sense of community and shared passion for cigars.
The Boxpressd Cigar App’s Events feature is a valuable resource for cigar enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Its comprehensive list of upcoming events, user-friendly interface, and sharing features make it easy for users to discover, plan, and attend cigar-related events across the globe.