Entering the world of cigars can be both exciting and daunting for beginners. With an array of choices, it’s important to start with cigars that are welcoming to the novice palate, providing a pleasant introduction without overwhelming. This guide focuses on the best cigars for beginners, offering a smooth entry into the rich and varied universe of cigar smoking.
Understanding Mild Cigars
For beginners, starting with mild cigars is advisable. These cigars are typically smoother and less intense, allowing new smokers to appreciate the flavors without the overpowering strength that can accompany more robust cigars.
Recommended Cigars for Beginners
Size Matters
For those new to cigars, choosing a smaller size or a ‘petit corona’ can be a good start. Smaller cigars offer a shorter smoking time, making them ideal for beginners not yet accustomed to longer smoke sessions.
Pairing with Drinks
Pairing cigars with the right beverage can enhance the experience. For mild cigars, consider light beverages like white wine, a light beer, or a soft cocktail. These pairings can complement the subtle flavors of the cigar without overpowering them.
Learning to Identify Flavors
As a beginner, part of the joy is learning to identify different flavors and aromas in cigars. Take your time, draw gently, and pay attention to the evolving tastes as you progress through the cigar.
Keep Notes
Keeping notes about the cigars you like and dislike can help in your journey. You can use a spreadsheet, a cigar journal, or an app like Boxpressd Social to highlight your ratings, flavor notes, drink pairings, and more.
Taking Care of Your Cigars
Invest in a good humidor to store your cigars. Proper storage is crucial in maintaining their condition and flavor, especially for a beginner building a collection.
Choosing the right cigar as a beginner is about finding balance – a cigar that’s approachable in strength yet rich in flavor. The aforementioned options offer a perfect starting point for anyone embarking on their cigar journey. Remember, cigar smoking is an experience to savor and enjoy, so take your time and relish each puff.